Secret Love Police

Zoot Suit Riots, Saturday morning cartoons, Indian movie posters, books and Brooklyn.
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Don't sink my boat.

Posted 2014-08-27 23:00:35 | Views: 12,625

Man with Werewolf Gloves gets Caught Stealing

Posted 2013-06-28 15:34:45 | Views: 11,255

METRO VANCOUVER -- A 25-year-old man is facing charges in Coquitlam after a suspect dressed in a BMX bike helmet, skiing goggles and a furry werewolf costume glove allegedly tried to steal items from a truck.

RCMP said Thursday the Prolific Target Team (PTT) was targeting a prolific offender in the Burquitlam area when an unusually dressed bike rider strolled through the area.

Despite the disguise, investigators said they knew who the rider was.

Police said he got off his bike and started rummaging through a parked truck on the street, allegedly stealing surveying tools worth more than $30,000 and hiding them behind a tree. Then he tried to ride away with the tools.

"If it wasn't for the keen observation skill and the swift action of the PTT investigators, the suspect would have gotten away," said Corp. Jamie Chung in a statement. "Needless to say, the suspect was arrested red handed and we were able to recover all the tools."

Werewolf gloves Bandit 
gets Caught Red Handed...or Furry Handed. 

Jackie Gleason Ripped Off by Flintstones

Posted 2013-06-28 08:32:13 | Views: 12,822

Jackie Gleason was an American comedian that was extremely famous during the 1950’s and 1960’s. One of Gleason’s most famous projects was the sitcom The Honeymooners, which debuted in 1955. Although it became extremely famous, it suffered initially and was canceled after only 39 episodes. 

What does this have to do with The Flintstones? In 1960, the animated sitcom The Flintstones debuted. While extremely successful, many people recognized that the two shows were extremely similar, with almost identical characters and premise.

There was longstanding controversy over the matter, but an official statement was never given until 1993 when the co-creator of The Flintstones admitted that it was based on The Honeymooners. Before the admission, Jackie Gleason contemplated suing but decided against it saying he didn’t want to be remembered as “the guy who yanked Fred Flintstone off the air.”

Source: OMG Facts 

Lazy Habit - Jules Renard

Posted 2013-06-21 13:25:42 | Views: 11,453
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.

Jules Renard

Man Finds Rare Superman Comics Inside Wall

Posted 2013-06-21 12:56:54 | Views: 11,253

David Gonzalez recently unearthed a copy of Superman #4 from the spring of 1940, COO Vincent Zurzolo told The Huffington Post on Friday. The comic could be worth between $500 and $5,000, Zurzolo estimates.

"It's amazing to me that he's still finding stuff," said Zurzolo, who has been in touch with Gonzalez since ComicConnect hosted the bidding for the first find.

Gonzalez previously told ABC News that he had come upon another antique issuethat featured Superman fighting dinosaurs, but he had yet to identify it. Zurzolo explained there was a delay because Gonzalez took some time to locate the cover.

The front of Superman #4 shows Superman holding up collapsing columns with Lex Luthor in the foreground. In the story, Superman battles a pterodactyl reproduced in Luthor's lab, according to Comic Book Religion.

An Amazing 
comic book
A copy of Superman #4 (not the one found by Gonzalez). The issue can fetch up to $5,000, one expert says. Credit:

What Next? - Chicken Diapers...really?

Posted 2013-05-13 16:54:20 | Views: 13,869

Baker told HuffPost Weird News that the family has been involved in the poultry show community for a long time (yes, there is such a thing as a poultry show community) but the little cluckers kept messing themselves up. So she made a diaper that fastens over the chicken's tail feathers and, with the help of a paper towel, keeps everything clean. Plus, it's machine washable.

"Everyone wanted to know where we got them -- and the orders started rolling in," Baker said. "I have a lot of customers that keep their chickens in the house full-time, and they love the diapers."

Her business, Pampered Poultry, also helps out humans. She pays employees at a women's sewing cooperative in Munoz, Dominican Republic to create the diapers, then picks the finished product up once every couple of months.

The chicken diaper colors -- including Ocean Blue, Parrot Green and Purple Rust -- are only available while supplies last. You can get one for $12.50 at or check out Baker's chicken saddles and other attire.

Chicken Diapers? 

Are you tired of your delicious meal pooping on your carpet? Do you want your chicken to be the cock of the town? Then get yourself a pair of chicken diapers. Julie Baker, a farmer in Claremont, N.H.,invented the poultry couture to keep the horrific mess of chicken excrement off your floors -- while your chicken stays in high fashion.

Man tries to pay prostitute with McDonald's food

Posted 2013-04-22 23:25:22 | Views: 11,230

 Police say a man bought a prostitute food from McDonald's in exchange for sex in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

An undercover police officer says 58-year-old Donald Jones picked up Keli Gilbert, a prostitute, on Friday and then drove to McDonald's where they picked up some food.

The criminal complaint says the two then drove to a nearby park, where they were caught.

Police say when they confronted the two, Gilbert admitted Jones bought her food from McDonald's in exchange for sex.

Gilbert and Jones were then arrested.

Police: Man pays Hooker with McDonalds Food. 
When you think you've heard it all...

Domino's Pizza Noid Hostage Crisis

Posted 2013-04-20 12:59:45 | Views: 15,835

In 1989, Kenneth Lamar Noid interpreted the Domino’s ads as a personal assault on his character. Believing he was engaged in an ongoing battle with Domino’s head Tom Monaghan, Noid took matters into his own hands, holding up a Domino’s outlet in Georgia. Details from Time MagazineKenneth Noid, 22, walked into a Domino’s Pizza shop in Chamblee, Ga., with a .357 Magnum revolver and took two employees hostage. When police arrived, he demanded $100,000 in cash, a getaway car and a copy of The Widow’s Son, a 1985 novel about secret societies in an 18th century Parisian prison.All Noid got was the pizza he ordered. After a five-hour siege, the two employees slipped away and Noid gave himself up.

Did you know about the Noid Hostage Standoff?  

Fla. Man Disappears Into Sinkhole

Posted 2013-03-19 15:58:42 | Views: 11,882

Jeffrey Bush disappeared into the earth without a trace.

No body for the family to bury. Even his bedroom furniture and belongings were sucked into the ground when a sinkhole opened last month under the Seffner, Fla., home where he slept.

The fact that rescue workers were unable to retrieve his body has made the rare incident infinitely more painful for the family, brother Jeremy Bush said. Rescue teams from Hillsborough County at the time deemed the ground too unstable to attempt a rescue or retrieve the body and instead filled the hole with gravel.

"They did nothing," said Jeremy Bush, 36, who jumped into the sinkhole minutes after it opened to try to retrieve his brother. "They just left him there."

Man Disappears Into SinkHole

On the night of Feb. 28, after hearing a loud crash, Jeremy Bush ran to one of the bedrooms to see a deep, dirt-covered hole, about 20 feet across, where his brother was sleeping just moments before, he said. He jumped into the hole and clawed through the dirt searching for his brother. The hole was as deep as he is tall. He could see the house's plumbing poking out beneath the floor, he said.

Within minutes, a sheriff's deputy arrived and helped pull him from the hole, telling him the ground was still crumbling around them, Jeremy Bush said. They ran out of the home. No one ever went inside again, he said.

As the family watched from the street, engineers lowered a microphone into the hole to try to pick up signs of Jeffrey Bush. But a second collapse rattled the foundation and sucked the equipment into the hole, Jeremy Bush said.

After more tests the next day, engineers deemed the property too dangerous for rescue or recovery, said Willie Puz, a Hillsborough County spokesman. The engineers "advised us that additional collapses could happen at any time and it was an unsafe scene," he said. "We made our decisions based off that."

Tearful family members placed flowers and a teddy bear in front of the home, saying their final goodbyes to Jeffrey Bush. The house was demolished and the hole filled in with four truckloads of gravel, essentially creating his grave.

It's not the first time disaster victims have been left underground. The bodies of dozens of miners have been left behind in the wake of mine explosions or collapses in recent decades when the mines became too treacherous for rescue workers, said Celeste Monforton, a professorial lecturer at George Washington University who has been involved in mine disaster investigations.

Family of sinkhole victim felt rescuers could have done more, but experts equate the search to diving into quicksand.

"They ran out of the home. No one ever went inside again"

Giant Freak Rats Invade Tehran

Posted 2013-03-19 11:13:38 | Views: 11,239
teenage mutant iranian  

The Iranian capitol of Tehran is suffering from a pest problem we don’t envy — Rodents of Unusual Size have come to plague the city. While they’re not the nearly human sized creatures native to the Fire Swamp, Iranian officials have reported that the “genetically mutated” creatures weigh in at up to 11 pounds. That’s larger than some of the cats that prowl the city’s streets, and big enough to warrant government backed teams of snipers whose job is to hunt down the voluminous vermin, because of course they’re resistant to traditional poison. Of course they are.

More than 2,200 of the rats have been killed so far, their corpses either burned or buried in pits of lime — which seems like a bit much, really. I mean, these are rats you’re dealing with, not vampires. That said, if I had to dispose of an eleven pound rat, I’m not sure what I would think is the right way to do so. I would probably just run away screaming and never look back, so, hey, goa and and torch the things, Iran. What do I know?

Aside from the rather dubious “radiation” answer given by one city council member, there’s no telling yet what is responsible for the rats increased size. The resistance to poison isn’t unique to Iran, though, having been seen in rats throughout Europe, including these British rats. The problem is getting so bad that plans are in the works to raise the number of snipers on rat-hunting detail from 10 to 40 in the coming weeks.

So if you’ve got the rare but coveted ‘Giant Rats’ space on your Apocalypse Countdown Bingo card, now would probably be the time to cover that bad boy up. Congratulations, I guess?

Iran Rolls Out Teams of Snipers to Battle Enormous Mutant Rats

Casting Obama as Satan for "The Bible"

Posted 2013-03-19 10:42:07 | Views: 10,064

The History Channel released a mini-series called “The Bible” which is making headlines for one its cast members, Satan. The actor who plays Satan is Mohamen Mehdi Ouazann and happens to resemble the President of the United States, Barack Obama. The media has been on an outrageous circuit since the episode aired and now it’s making national headlines. CNN reported:

Buzz on Twitter quickly grew. According to on Monday, there were an estimated 20,000 tweets containing the words “Obama” and “Satan” since the 9:00 p.m. ET hour on Sunday, the hour in which Satan appears in the two-hour show.

In a statement, miniseries producer Mark Burnett called claims there was a resemblance “utter nonsense.”

Burnett said the actor who played Satan, Mohamen Mehdi Ouazanni, “is a highly acclaimed Moroccan actor. He has previously played parts in several Biblical epics –including Satanic characters long before Barack Obama was elected as our President.”

What ever the story maybe, it has simply gone too far. Comparing Obama to Satan or anything pertaining any Biblical character is simply too far.

Obama as Satan
New History Channel show "The Bible" cast actor to play the Devil who resembles President Obama. 

Quiet about Migraine Headaches? Study finds people stay quiet.

Posted 2013-02-17 21:30:40 | Views: 9,780

Migraines are not just a headache. They are excruciating, often a pulsating and throbbing pain that can make the head feel as if it will explode. Some sufferers experience auras or vision changes, some vomit and some lock themselves in a dark, silent room until the pain subsides.

A new study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing Lincoln Division and Bryan Health, finds relief may not be in a pill bottle but in some relatively easy tweaks in lifestyle -- from what you eat, how much you sleep and how much you exercise.

“Generally, narcotics aren’t that effective and aren’t appropriate for chronic headaches,” said Nancy Waltman, professor of nursing and nurse practitioner at the UNMC College of Nursing Lincoln Division. “The best treatment is a combination of dietary changes, adjustments in sleep and exercise, avoiding triggers and preventative medication.''

Waltman and Catherine Parker, nurse manager in Employee Health Services at Bryan Medical Center, conducted the 12-month study together. They had 80 participants -- all employees and students at Bryan Medical Center between the ages of 25 and 67.

Analyzing data of 28 participants, Waltman and Parker found a significant decrease in frequency (76 percent) and severity (31 percent) of migraines when participants simply adjusted their lifestyles. And 66 percent of those taking part in the study said their perception of disability due to headaches also had decreased.

“We’ve found that a lot of women remain silent and don’t get treated for their migraines,” Waltman said.

An estimated 28 million Americans suffer from debilitating migraine headaches.

Less than half of them will get diagnosed or seek help. Instead, they will suffer through the symptoms by isolating themselves, taking over-the-counter medicines and calling in sick to work, to school and to life.

Migraines are three times more common in women than they are in men.

Rihanna fan gets same tattoo as her

Posted 2013-01-20 14:21:45 | Views: 17,001



Not to long ago Rihanna took to her Instagram page to proudly display her latest tat to her NAVY. The Tattoo is of the goddess Isis and is located under her breasts. She wrote, “Goddess Isis- Complete Woman – Model for future generations- #GRANGRANDOLLY – always in and on my heart #1love.” While rihanna did it in honor of someone very close to her, she may have started a trend. One of her fans got the outstanding tat design and in the same place as Rih!

Compare tattoos below

Rihanna's from her instagram...and her delusional fan's tat. The tattoo is already pretty questionable...a cheap copy just makes shit worse.

The Creative Process

Posted 2013-01-20 12:17:35 | Views: 13,320

Damn Firefox!

Posted 2013-01-19 14:18:11 | Views: 13,615

Damn yo, Firefox stole my cookies!