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Yellow flowers

Posted by Humby | Views: 732
Kodak Vision3 250D (5207)

Double Apartment Skyline

Posted by Humby | Views: 691
Double exposure
Double exposure

Open the door...

Posted by Humby | Views: 885
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
- Revelation 3:20

Spinning Light Trails

Posted by Humby | Views: 711
Spinning   Light

Cabana Bay is better than a time machine!

Posted by Humby | Views: 811

Who needs a time Machine,
Not me and not you...
Retro but today - Cabana Bay is a time machine.

VO5 Shampoo
Retro hotel room
Retro cars parked out front
Dining area
Waiting for the elevator
Window view
Cabana Bay at night!
Bowling ally entrance

Last of the roll

Posted by Humby | Views: 754
Last of the roll

Bulk loaded Kodak Vision3 5207 last of the roll pre-exposed to light.

Light leak lizard

Posted by Humby | Views: 742
Light leak lizard
 On Kodak Vision3 250D movie film


Posted by Humby | Views: 706
Kodak EKTAR 100

In-N-Out for a third time

Posted by Humby | Views: 840
My first In-N-Out visit was my third In-N-Out visit
My visit to the Grapevine Texas In-N-Out was my 3rd time inside In-N-Out. First time was in Los Angles, in 2007. Second time was in Phoenix Arizona, in 2014. But unlike the other times this was the first time I actually ate.

I ordered a plain double double with cheese. Fries and a Coke (obviously). I loved it! I was also somewhat star stuck thinking Wow I'm in an In-N-Out and I ordered a burger. Sounds odd but its true, I was excited to finally eat their burger.
I really enjoyed the burger. It was simple and simple is hard to do because it usually means quality. Wish they had them in Florida!

The fries flavor reminded me of those potato sticks in a can. They were fresh but I prefer the fries from BurgerFi.
I wish they had a location in Florida!
Got a couple more for the hotel room.
Grapevine, TX 
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16

Film / Digital

Posted by Humby Views: 1,118
Neon on Film / Digital
Kodak Gold 200
Nikon Digital

In the beginning...

Posted by Humby | Views: 818
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
-John 1:1

Messina's Shoe Repair

Posted by Humby | Views: 844
Grapevine, Texas.  April 2024.

Flash or no flash

Posted by Humby | Views: 848

Both are almost identical. Thou, I prefer the no flash photo.  Only because the pedestrian street sign reflecting the flash light back, it's focusing the attention away from the neon sign.



Posted by Humby | Views: 681
No, you can't have fun here. You might as well just go home.

Sun Flower

Posted by Humby | Views: 707
Kodak ULTRAMAX 400

Traffic Bird

Posted by Humby | Views: 798
Huge bird flying parallel to traffic



Posted by Humby | Views: 890
It seems obvious and in some ways it’s intuitive, but until I actually said it, I never really got it. To capture a good photo, you need to capture the light.
The light is always the subject.
It’s hard to get a beautiful color photo without good light. If you follow the light, like in many ways in life, you'll find God, you'll find Jesus Christ and maybe you’ll get a nice photo too.
Follow the light, worship the Creator, not the creation.

Light shake

Posted by Humby | Views: 826
Handheld shot of the ceiling lights

Double exposure

Posted by Humby | Views: 766
le Expo
le Expo
le Expo
le Expo

Wise as serpents, and harmless as doves

Posted by Humby Views: 1,007
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
- Matthew 10:16