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Make your own magazine

Pink and bright purple flowers

Posted by Humby | Views: 847
Kodak Vision3 250D @ +1 EV

bad dev

Posted by Humby Views: 1,054


Posted by Humby Views: 1,229

Water Cowboys?

Posted by Humby | Views: 845
Norton Museum of Art


Posted by Humby Views: 1,120
Crazy Ideas that work?
I'm not sure how this works or why it was designed this way but I guess it works.

Color Inside out

Posted by Humby | Views: 802
Square Color

The wind bloweth...

Posted by Humby | Views: 817
The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. -John 3:8

White five peddles flowers

Posted by Humby | Views: 833
Kodak Tri-X 400

Pizza man

Posted by Humby Views: 1,195

Seats at Surry Hills Coffee

Posted by Humby | Views: 839
Seats came out of a old school theater. Coffee and  croissant was great but I forgot to take a photo of the coffee.
Seats at Surry Hills Coffee

Cosmic Exposure

Posted by Humby Views: 1,180
The more you look the more you'll see
Multiple exposure during the line and ride for Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind. 

Shot Shadowing

Posted by Humby Views: 1,225


Posted by Humby | Views: 889
Kodak Vision3 250D
Light shines into darkness and life grows upward

Boring photo

Posted by Humby | Views: 852
A So called "boring photo" that I love 

Red Rose

Posted by Humby | Views: 873
Kodak Vision3 250D


Posted by Humby Views: 1,328
For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
-Galatians 6:8 

Red Hot Neon

Posted by Humby Views: 1,156

Real Neon, Real Custard

Posted by Humby | Views: 884
Real Frozen Custard Made Fresh Every Hour Really
Andy's Frozen Custard

FPP the Mummy

Posted by Humby | Views: 905
The Mummy 400

Life: down the drain

Posted by Humby | Views: 496
Life: down the drain