Wildcat Cult

Halloween, vintage photos, dry humor and comic strips. 
Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Sad Cloud

Posted 2012-08-20 17:10:29 | Views: 20,037

Why do people dance and sing...

in my pee?

Thinking Cap

Posted 2012-08-20 14:40:23 | Views: 27,589






Brain Beanie

Now, that's what I call a thinking cap.

Stan Lee's Greatest Love

Posted 2012-08-16 21:21:23 | Views: 20,133

"There is only one who is all powerful, and his greatest weapon is love."




















The Creepy Easter Bunny

Posted 2012-08-16 16:15:33 | Views: 17,510


Just a little...just a little...

Cats Are Good At Falling

Posted 2012-08-16 15:58:28 | Views: 17,467

Most of the time, a cat will land on his feet when he falls. His body reflexively corrects its course so that by the time he arrives on the ground, his feet are in position to hit first. The height of a cat’s fall determines how well, or how poorly, his legs can absorb the shock of landing.


Veterinarians treating the broken legs and other injuries of cats that survive falls from high-rise apartments noticed that the cats who fell from greater heights, such as more than five stories, often suffered less severe injuries than those falling from just a few floors because the longer drop gave the cats’ bodies more time to right themselves.


Cockroach Derby Predicts Romney Win

Posted 2012-08-16 13:13:01 | Views: 15,037

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. -- It remains to be seen what happens in November, but Romney has defeated Obama in a New Jersey race in August.


The contestants Thursday were not the president and his Republican challenger, but rather a couple of Madagascar hissing cockroaches standing in for the candidates.


Phillip Cooper, vice president of the New Jersey Pest Management Association, tells The Star-Ledger that it was a close, clean race.


The Cockroach Derby is a regular event for the group, which uses it to drum up publicity. Thursday's event was the 16th.


It's also proven a decent predictor of the presidential elections. The group says the candidate represented by the winning roach has won the presidential election 84 percent of the time.

Cockroach Race Predicts

Romney Wins Election.

It was a close race of Obama and Romney at this year's Cockroach Derby...the closest thing to "real" political elections.

Source: AZ Central

No Negative BS

Posted 2012-08-15 20:12:02 | Views: 18,096

Scrabble Player Cheats - Ejected from Championship

Posted 2012-08-15 14:44:50 | Views: 14,436

Perhaps unable to memorize semi-words such as "Ne" and "Ef" like the rest of the field, a young Scrabble playerwas booted from the game's national championship tournament in Florida after he was caught cheating in one of the final rounds, reports the Associated Press. Tournament officials did not name the male player because he's a minor. He was busted when a competitor at a nearby table spotted him with a pair of blank tiles — which players can use to represent any letter — that he had kept from the previous game. "It's unfortunate," said John D. Williams Jr., executive director of the National Scrabble Association. "The Scrabble world is abuzz. The Internet is abuzz." Just like a Scrabble nut, Williams must have been trying to discard all his Zs.

Scrabble Finalist Cheats.

Young Scrabble Player Ejected From National Championship for Cheating

Source: NYMag.com

What Scares Alfred Hitchcock

Posted 2012-07-29 20:01:41 | Views: 16,168

"I am scared easily, here is a list of my adrenaline - production: 1: small children, 2: policemen, 3: high places, 4: that my next movie will not be as good as the last one."



- Alfred Hitchcock 

New York Skyline Mug

Posted 2012-07-27 21:16:37 | Views: 16,139

...but Bloomberg can suck it. 

Life-size Soda Fountain: Sprite Shower!

Posted 2012-07-27 21:01:19 | Views: 16,078

This is the best Sprite Ad of all time! 

Wow, not sure I have ever seen an interactive ad as badass as this before. Who wouldn't want a Sprite shower at the beach? I'm sure plenty of little kids tried and tasted the water hoping for the real thing. Ha, love it! 

This summer in Rio De Janeiro, the beaches were literally hot, and people need a way to refresh themselves with a cool-down. This is where that whole “free soda refill” idea came in handy. Sprite saw a unique opportunity. Instead of giving out free Sprite, (which is nice yet not exactly revolutionary), they instead thought big, Really big. The soda maker literally created the worlds biggest soda fountain, with which people could go and refresh themselves not by having a free refill of soda, but a free shower. 

Mirror Photos Will Make a Meme Out of You

Posted 2012-07-27 10:44:01 | Views: 19,266

...this is just another reason why you shouldn't take mirror photos. 

Japanese Ice Cream Crepes

Posted 2012-07-25 20:22:25 | Views: 21,871


Tastiest treats are the ones that stare back at you. Love! 

Dinosaur Delivery via Boston Museum of Science

Posted 2012-07-21 20:13:01 | Views: 14,818

Delivering dinosaurs for exhibit at the Boston Museum of Science. Arthur Pollock, 1984.



The Avengers Assemble at Target

Posted 2012-06-25 06:51:47 | Views: 14,184






A campaign entitled “The Avengers Assemble at Target”, created by Creative Directors Guy Seese and Chris Mitton.The campaign features some of the superheroes’ accessories recreated using everyday objects and toys available at the store.

