Sexy Riot

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Leah Jung

Posted | Views: 27,050

Welcome all, so glad your here to enjoy our latest edition of Sexy Riot. I think its plain to see what we are about. We make sure 100% of the time we show you the best in alterative style modeling. So we discovered our latest cover girl Leah Jung online. The web is such a great place to discover some really rad models. Not to take credit away from all of their hard work, the net is just bad ass for making the communication and contacting so much easier. I know Leah knows what we are talking about, and I'm sure every model out there today gets it too. It's a great thing, just like these photos! Wow! I can't wait to see what Leah has next. Check her out and make sure to begin following her career. - Sexy Riot



So you removed by laser your first tattoo? What made you do that? Any advice for people getting their first tattoo. How should people go about it?

I have had two areas lasered... a small spot on my forearm was lightened and covered, and theres a large tattoo on my back that still needs a few more removal sessions. It's not fun at all. I just want better looking tattoos than what they were. To help ensure you'll never regret your nk, go to a professional tattoo shop after doing a lot of research online. Come with an idea of what you want and be prepared to work with the artist to create or modify it. A good artist will have input about the size and positioning at the least. Be prepared to spend $100-$200 per hour. Some shops you can walk into and walk out with a tattoo... some you have to make appointments. Stop into a few'll know when/if you're ready.

Who does your tattoos now?

I don't have anything in progress right now...time to start a new piece with a new artist.

So I hear you only know men that take pictures, do you get out much?

haha, not lately. I work full time, go to school, model...I joke though, I have friends.

You're an off and on model right? Tell us about your day job.

Modeling was a hobby I didn't actively pursue, up until last year. I work as a law editor during the day, and now work on my art in every other spare moment I have until I can transition from one career into the next smoothly.


You sing too, tell us more about that.

I sing, sing, sing. As soon as picture projects cool down, I'm recording some songs. I like Fiona Apple a lot.

Do you get to perform often?

I'll look into playing live again when I get some material and some fans, haha

What are you inspired by for your modeling?

The places I go, the potential of simple things, asking "how?" and "why?" when I see other pictures.

Is it true blondes have more fun?

I hope that something like that has no connection to hair color. I have fun with whichever color I wake up with.

How is love for you currently?

I really love my friends Ace and Karen's puppy, Rambo. He gives good doggy smooches.

Any other shoots coming up?

Tomorrow I'm shooting with Marietta Fotographia from Spain...all kinds of stuff in the month of May.

Favorite museum artists?

I really like Dali, Goya, and Italian Renaissance painters.

Any creepy stories while shooting?

Not really, everyone I've worked with has been pleasant so far... strangers stare at me and say creepy things sometimes.

What keeps you away from modeling, and what draws you to it?

Its fun, I feel confident about it, but its a lot to handle. You have to be smart, organized, and have a tough shell.

Do you ever work with other models? If so who would you work with?

I love working in a group or as a team. I have not had many opportunities though. There are plenty of models I'd love to meet...mostly alternative models. Birds of a feather, ya know?

Do you want kids?

I don't have mom gets upset if I don't answer "not yet" instead of "not in this lifetime"

Tell us something you have never said or expressed ever in an interview.

I used to skateboard. Not well. I could ride it around the skatepark. Going off curbs was a huge accomplishment.

Favorite candy?


Favorite drink?


Are you most attracted physically to men that look like you?...tattoos etc

They must also be blonde, blue eyed, and have a 23 inch waist.

Any modeling you wouldn't do?

Sure... I turn down shoots all the time. Depends on many factors. I try not to do any modeling thats forgettable.

Any words of wisdom to the younger models starting out?

Confidence! Take matters into your own hands whenever someone else hesitates.

"I used to skateboard. Not well. I could ride it around the skatepark. Going off curbs was a huge accomplishment."