Humby Valdes

Jesus is Lord
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Fireworks 800T style Corn, but not the corny kind

Slide film

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I have an Irrational fear of... developing slide film.
Unfortunately with the slide kit I made two huge mistakes.
The first time I self-developed Kodak Ektachrome 100 I used the Cinestill slide developer kit. I used the dynamic chrome version. I was really excited. I’ve had huge success with their regular C-41 kit. I use it exclusively actually, I highly recommend it. 

Mistake #1 
My thermostat was off by probably 5 degrees. I didn’t realize this til months later. Almost all my exposures looked underdeveloped or underexposed. I’m not sure which, it was a huge bummer. I developed two rolls and they all looked bad.
Mistake #2 
Since I didn’t realize it was the thermostat I didn’t know what I did wrong so I didn’t want to try again. I hit pause on slide film and shot the next best thing, Kodak Ektar 100.
Well recently I got myself a new Cinestill slide kit and I’m hoping to give it another go. Stay tuned.