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Posted 2014-12-03 09:54:23 | Views: 666
Minnesota Outsider
Magazine Author : Zach Rausch

Magazine Editor : Kellie Tatge

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Posted 2014-12-01 09:57:10 | Views: 719
Works Cited
Gunderson, Dan. "DNR Says Deer Poaching on the Rise in Minnesota." Minnesota              Public Radio News. MPR News, 05 Nov. 2009. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.

Niskanen, Chris. "Minnesota Hunter Goes from Deer Hero to Alleged Poaching Zero." Twin Cities Pioneer Press, 12 Nov. 2009. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.

"Report Poaching/Wildlife Violations | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife."            Report Poaching/Wildlife Violations | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife.          Washington Department of Fishing and Wildlife, 2014. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.

"Turn in Poachers (TIP)." : Minnesota DNR. Minnesota Department of Natural                    Resources, 2014. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.

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Posted 2014-12-01 09:56:59 | Views: 646
I have mentioned TIPS or Turn In Poachers before. This is a program made by the DNR, or Department of Natural Resources, to convince local farmers and citizens to turn in any sites or hearing of poaching going on. Many times, they offer money as an incentive to convince people to turn poachers in to the DNR. Many fellow hunters or people won’t turn someone in because of the fear of being a snitch in the eyes of others. The main thing many don’t know about is that anyone who reports TIPS is kept completely confidential. No one ever finds out who turned whom in for poaching. TIPS is the best way to turn in a poacher because it involves the authority right away keeping personal lives out of danger. Some hunters can get aggressive if being turned in, so the best option is to leave it to the authority.
 Poaching has major effects on populations and habitats. Poaching can effect habitats because by taking all the deer out of one area the wolves in that area would have to move to find more food leaving the area abandoned. If the wolves wouldn’t move then they would slowly die off because of a smaller food source. Poaching affects habitats too because many poachers wouldn’t have a limit to the destruction they may cause. If an animal is poached, a majority of poachers would be willing to drive their vehicle right up to the animal to pick it up and get out of there as fast as possible. This could mean driving over small trees and even ripping up grassland. One time probably wouldn’t hurt the landscape, but 10 times could make a nice dent in the environment. Population will be hurt also due to poaching. Many animals on the endangered species list make it on there as a result from poaching.
Poaching is a bad for the environment, populations, and even for a person’s reputation in a community. Many people will frown upon a poacher because it is morally wrong. It makes a community and state look bad having many poaching cases. Poaching should end at all levels starting with deer and fish. These are two of the biggest poached animals in Minnesota. With the help of fellow hunters and farmers, poaching should be stopped and can end with the help of TIPS. Poaching isn’t considered the biggest crime done to animals, it is the biggest crime done to animals.
Preaching Poaching Problems

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Posted 2014-11-21 08:32:28 | Views: 722
One of the biggest bucks in the world has made a man go from hero to criminal in a matter of days. Chris Niskanen of the Twin Cities Pioneer Press tells the story of this massive buck. Local farmers in Cannon Falls spotted a massive eight-point buck roaming around their lands. Reinke, the poacher of the eight-point buck, has already taken two deer that year and was going out for an illegal third one. A farmer granted Reinke permission to hunt on his 395 acres of family owned land. The man who owned the farm had no clue he shot two other deer before and said, “If he broke the law, he deserves to be punished.” The story talks about how the man became the local legend at first. Everyone in Cannon Falls was proud of him and happy because of Reinke defeating cancer and surviving a motorcycle accident the summer before this incident. People gathered around him to take pictures until several reporting’s of poaching had been called in on him. Three different TIPS, or Turn In Poachers, made two DNR officers get suspicious and question Reinke on his hunting that year. Reinke eventually buckled and told the officers he had shot two deer already and this one would be his third. Since he failed to tag the two before this deer, the DNR fined Reinke for illegally taking those two deer and for poaching this third one. The fines grew all the way up to about $19,000, a year in jail, and his license taken away for three years. This story is why poaching should end, because this buck is the biggest eight-point buck ever shot. The sad part is that it isn’t on anyone’s wall, but instead on the wall of shame along with the other deer poached (Niskanen). This touches a lot of hunter in a bad way because this deer could have been another hunter’s big buck that deserved it.
Preaching Poaching Problems

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Posted 2014-11-21 08:32:18 | Views: 700
Preaching Poaching Problems
The biggest crime done to animals is poaching. Shooting animals illegally is like an officer shooting someone randomly with no reason or right to take the shot. It is a very serious crime that can lead to many problems such as damaged property and extinction of a species. The worst part about it is that poaching is one of the easiest things to stop. Just by turning in anyone seen poaching can bring down many of the poaching rates, because most poachers do not go completely unnoticed when they shoot an animal.
Many hunters don’t come upon poaching very often because they travel far distances to the place they hunt. This describes many people who hunt but live in a town or city. The mass majority of the people who will see someone poaching are people who live in the country. This is obvious because this is where most of the wildlife is. Farmers for sure will see most poaching incidents because drag marks and dead animals can be seen a lot easier when they are plowing a field from a higher view. Poaching is the illegal taking or possession of game animals and fish, non-game, and protected, threatened, or endangered fish and wildlife species (Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife). To sum that up even better, taking an animal or fish without a license is poaching. It may not seem like it is a huge problem at first. Taking a depth into the damages of poaching can show anyone how much of a problem it really is in Minnesota today. 

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Posted 2014-11-14 09:00:44 | Views: 724
Works Cited
"Behavioral Patterns of Whitetail Deer." Blog. N.p., 10 Apr. 2013. Web. 04            Nov. 2014.

Collyer, Jim. "Buck Naked." : Deer Feeding Patterns. N.p., 4 June 2012. Web.        04 Nov. 2014.

Ross, Matt. "10 Things We Know About Mature Buck Movements." Quality            Deer Management Association. N.p., 27 Aug. 2013. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.

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Posted 2014-11-14 09:00:40 | Views: 674
The last thing that can help a hunter predict what the deer will be doing during open shotgun season is finding where they go to feed. During the day, deer tend to bed down in an area with food or near food. This is so they can eat and then bed back down quickly to stay relatively hidden from potential predators. These food sources could be like in or near cornfields, bean fields, alfalfa, and oats. Watching for deer moving in or near potential food areas is a great place to sit while hunting. Deer at night are different when feeding to deer in the day. This is because they feel a little less vulnerable and are willing to travel a little farther for some food. This makes it difficult, without a trail camera, to figure out if they are walking on the paths made at night or during the day when they don’t move much. Many hunters don’t have the time in each day to try to figure out how the deer are moving and feeding during the year. That’s where modern technology comes in very nicely.
There is something called a trail camera that is effective at catching when deer are using a certain path. When the camera sensors detect motion, the camera flashes a bright light and takes a picture of the area in front of the camera. Many different animals can set this off, but most of the time a hunter can catch a deer or two in a picture. The time on each picture gives a hunter a relative time when the deer is walking on the path. Checking for how often that deer uses that path can help a hunter determine if a stand should be put on that path or not.
Deer are predictable at a small level on where they could be when hunting season comes around. Trail cameras make it much easier to catch when all the deer are moving so a hunter can hunt during those times. This gives the hunter the best chance at being successful that deer-hunting season.
Inside The Minds of Deer

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Posted 2014-11-12 10:33:23 | Views: 693
Deer tend to move at dawn and dusk. (Ross). Deer, mostly bucks, move at dawn and dusk whether it is 20 degrees out or 80 degrees out. Weather does not affect when they move during the day. If a hunter is going to head out to the stand, than dawn and dusk would be the times to make sure he or she should be in their stands. Deer can and will be shot during the day, but the best chance to catch a buck walking on a path by a stand would be when the sun just rises and when it is almost hidden behind the earth. Breeding season is a major affect to this cycle though making deer move all day when they are in rut. This is because a buck is trying to find a female and will be on the prowl for long periods of time. The reason for them moving at dawn and dusk more is because deer tend to feed more in the morning and in the afternoon. Studies by the QDMA, or Quality Deer Management Association, have shown that the deer they track have shown this sign to move early and late the most. 
The second thing deer have a habit of doing is to form a “home”. This is a couple mile area where a deer spends about 90% of its time. This is a great thing to know because watching for deer throughout the year can help to figure out if any deer have made a home in the area. According to the article, “Behavioral Patterns of Whitetail Deer”, deer do of course take an almost vacation type trip at times too. It is impossible to predict when a deer will take this vacation, or how far it will travel on this vacation. A deer’s vacation can be anywhere from a month or two to a couple weeks. The only tricky part about a deer’s home is that a doe or buck would unlikely lay down in the same spot two consecutive nights in a row. This is to throw off any predators from just waiting for the deer to come back, so the predator doesn’t have an easy meal for the next couple of days. A deer will find several areas that are great for dosing off for a bit in this home area, but will never fall asleep for long periods of time. This keeps them alert most of the time. Deer usually feel comfortable in their home area, so if some deer tend to be seen in the same area all year it is most likely the deer made a home and feels more comfortable in this area rather than any other. 
Inside The Minds of Deer

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Posted 2014-11-12 10:33:17 | Views: 674
Inside The Minds of Deer
Deer have predictable minds. How they react to situations is worth planning for if deer hunting is a passion. Deer have schedules and tend to stick to them if they are not disturbed. When they are disturbed, they still tend to do the same things out of habits and teachings from their parents. Getting to know some ways of finding a deer, or even knowing how they will react when being shot at, can help a lot during this year’s shotgun season. Bucks have a tendency of falling on certain habits during specific situations.
Pressured bucks have an ability to change their habits on the spot. A pressure for them could be being shot at, or losing woodland areas to live in. The use of technology can show that deer have different habits at various times of the year. They might eat out in an open field during the summer, but when winter comes around, they might stay in the woods 24/7. Every buck has different traits, giving that deer a different lifestyle pattern. Another pressure could be how many hunters are on the land. Many hunters in one woods or area will affect how deer will go through those woods. Paths that deer walk on defer between primarily when it is cold out or even when it is warm out based on the deer’s habits. A path also could be a night path, meaning they only use it when it is dark outside. Predicting what a deer is going to do is close to the same to what the deer population, as a whole, would do under the same situations.

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Posted 2014-10-31 10:15:34 | Views: 710
Duck hunting is one of the best hunting a hunter can do when the sun is shining or even when it is a little cloudy to keep the ducks flying lower. There are many ways to duck hunt from sitting in a boat to sitting on the shore to even walking and trying to find the pond with all the ducks. It is a waiting process sometimes like any other type of hunting, but the days they are coming in it is all worth the wait. Shooting some ducks or geese brings an excitement that is hard to describe and makes many older hunters feel like a little kid again when they shoot a couple ducks.
The Main Ways to Drop a Duck!! Cont..

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Posted 2014-10-31 10:15:22 | Views: 689
The Main Ways to Drop a Duck!! continued...
The major problem with this type of hunting is the retrieval of the ducks when they are shot. It is hard to let them float to shore when they could really float any way or even not float anywhere at all. The problem to this is to bring a specialized retrieval dog. Many land hunters bring dogs because it makes it easier to retrieve the shot down ducks, because the dogs have the ability to swim out to the ducks and bring them in. There should be no lost ducks unless the dog runs away with one, of course.
Than experts would consider the dog improperly trained or not trained enough. Getting a dog trained for getting ducks is a whole process in itself. It is definitely not a two-day process to do that. The right type of dog is needed too because having a small pit bull isn’t going to do when the dog needs to bring back a goose or duck that is about the same size as the dog. Hunting from shore is the most preferred type of duck hunting and is the most cost friendly.
The last way to duck hunt is a much more controversial way to hunt and can make many other hunters angry if done without respect. This is jumping ponds. Jumping ponds is the least likely to happen of the three types of duck hunting because it takes more time to get to each pond or lake than it does to actually shoot at ducks or geese. Many of the times a hunter may not even see a single duck or goose on a pond making it more frustrating than sitting on shore and waiting for the birds to come.
Jumping ponds is when a hunter sneaks up to the edge of a pond hoping to sneak up on a group of ducks feeding or just swimming in the lake or pond. Next, the hunter would go to their vehicle, or walk depending on the distance, to make their way to the next spot. It is very hard to sneak up on ducks in the first place making this very hard to do. All the driving from pond to pond can make pond jumping very expensive. The best way to jump a pond is with three or four people at the minimum. This is because a duck hunter needs one or two people on the other side of the pond or downwind a ways to get a shot at any ducks that fly away too fast. Ducks have the tendency to fly with the wind making it smart to sit down wind from where they could be. The other hunters would need to walk to the other side of the lake and sneak up to the edge of the water without disturbing anything that could be on the water. Having everything go right is hard to do and most of the time does not work if one or two things go wrong.

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Posted 2014-10-29 10:27:40 | Views: 687
The Main Ways to Drop a Duck!! continued..
Hunting from a boat is usually the least likely way to go duck hunting. This is because hunters need camouflage and cover when hunting from a boat. Sitting on the lake in a boat can make this difficult because water cannot cover hunters from ducks seeing them. The way to go would be to find some shallower water where weeds are growing to put the boat in. Finding tall enough weeds with hide the boat and the hunters from the sight of ducks.
Besides shooting from a boat, there is the option to hunt just from shore. This is by far the most popular kind because the cost of having a boat is not required. Usually only one pair of waiters is needed to set the decoys out. Using decoys would be the only reason for the necessity of waiters. Place the decoys in the preferred pattern right off shore making it easier to retrieve them also. The best part about hunting from the shore is that it is best or coverage. The trees hanging over the water or even the tall weeds by shore help form a camouflage around the hunters. In addition, sitting by shore makes it so ducks coming from behind cannot see the hunters until it is too late. 
The main problem is that it is harder to see the decoys in the water, or even just to see past the weeds if any ducks have landed in the decoys. The perfect landscape needs to be in place for this type of duck hunting which is quite rare.
Hunting from a boat does not have to be from the middle of the lake either. If the shore is to muddy to sit on, then the boat works as a floor. This too would be very hard to find because cover would be another issue turning it into a bad hunting spot.

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Posted 2014-10-29 10:26:55 | Views: 726
The Main Ways to Drop a Duck!!
Duck hunting is one of the most exciting ways to hunt with a group of people or with just a friend. The beautiful landscape along with the cooling air sets the mood for all duck hunters and goose hunters. The noises of plants and animals waking up. The sun just popping over the horizon as morning birds start to look for food. Life begins to wake up for the day. Just being there almost makes it completely worth the duck-hunting trip.
Duck hunting is a different section of hunting and, duck hunting has many ways of being performed. From hunting from a boat in the lake to shooting from shore. Both ways though involve decoys and duck calls. The two main elements of trickery in duck hunting. Hunting form a boat, form shore, or from jumping ponds are three ways to duck hunt. Cost or the preferred way of hunting determines which way is usually done.

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Posted 2014-10-15 10:23:27 | Views: 625
Works Cited
Arrow, Bow &. Bow & Arrow. n.d. Web. 1 Oct. 2014.

Cabela's. Cabela's World's Foremost Outfitter. 2014. Web. 1 Oct. 2014.

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Posted 2014-10-15 10:22:15 | Views: 718
Bowhunting Continued...
  Thoughts tend to lean toward stabilizers next. They are optional and skipping stabilizers for any reason is acceptable. Stabilizers help balance a bow out so it does not fall back when shooting a bow. They are a nice feature when shooting, because if a bow falls back it can pull the arrow up and throw a shot off by several yards depending on the distance. It could be the difference between a heart shot and a spinal shot. Skipping this part brings the arrows up next; otherwise, stabilizers vary in all sorts of lengths and weights. Getting the proper weight is not as important to the length of the stabilizer. Long stabilizers, about two feet long, are great for competition shooting, while shorter stabilizers are better for deer hunting. This is obvious because a long stabilizer has a greater chance at getting in a bowhunters way for a shot at the deer. It also limits the different ways a hunter can shoot.
  Now arrows and a quiver come next. Arrows are far more important than a quiver. The quiver is great for holding arrows and that is about it. Depending how many arrows a hunter wants to carry with him or her determines the size of the quiver. There are many varieties of quivers ranging from camo to brown to even black quivers. 
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  The three basic types of broadheads are specialty, fixed, and mechanical broadheads. Specialty would be for turkey hunting and different types of hunting. Fixed broadheads are the basic three blade head. While the mechanical broadhead is where the blades pop out when hitting the target. This gives it a better penetration, but has a higher chance of dysfunction too. Broadheads are another part than can affect how an arrow flies and penetrates a deer.
  The last and finally thing, which important for storing a bow, is to make sure the bow is stored in a proper case defending it from any damage. Cases make it so it can last a lot longer and the sight can stay positioned for next year’s hunt. Saves a lot of time.
   Bowhunting can be very expensive. From the bow, to the sight, to even the case costing maybe $100. Treated with care, the best thing about a bow is that it can last a lifetime. The sight and arrows are what brings a bow life. The case and rest work behind the scene in bringing stability and protection. The perfect bow and equipment can bring a lot of joy into a hunter’s life, and bowhunting is much more relaxing than any other hunting a hunter can do. 
  Arrows bring in a new perspective. They vary in so many ways that it is hard to choose which style to shoot. Some shoot faster, while others are cheaper. Using a personal draw length, cutting the arrow to the proper length is a major step. If cut too short, the arrows will not work, but will flex too much if the arrows are too long. Measured and cut to the right length, the arrows are shootable. Tips are the second important thing in buying arrows. This is because there is a necessity for practice tips, along with broadheads to shoot a deer.
Bowhunting Takes More Than A Bow! Cont..